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Federico Morelli

Project PI

Associate Professor



Faculty of Environmental Science (FES)

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Community Ecology & Conservation

Prague, Czech Republic

Federico Morelli (


MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., ARSLAN D., DELGADO J. D. 2024. Crepuscular and small but not evolutionary unique species are the reptiles less affected by roadkill in Europe. Oikos: e10785. Doi:10.1111/oik.10785.

MIKULA P., BULLA M., BLUMSTEIN D. T., BENEDETTI Y., FLOIGL K., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., MARKÓ G., MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P., SIRETCKAIA A., SZAKONY S., WESTON M. A., ABOU-ZEID F., TRYJANOWSKI P., ALBRECHT T. 2024. Urban birds' tolerance towards humans was largely unaffected by COVID-19 shutdown-induced variation in human presence. Communications Biology: in press.

BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2024. Global distribution range of birds is negatively correlated with their level of diet specialization. Journal of Biogeography. Doi:10.1111/jbi.14970.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MIKULA P., MORELLI F. 2024. Dynamic interactions at birdfeeders: Attracting both prey and predators across urban and rural habitats. Basic and Applied Ecology 79: 84–89.

MORELLI F., REIF J., DÍAZ M., TRYJANOWSKI P., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., SUHONEN J., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., MØLLER A. P., JERZAK L., BUSSIÈRE R., MÄGI M., KOMINOS T., GALANAKI A., BUKAS N., MARKÓ G., PRUSCINI F., CIEBIERA O., BENEDETTI Y. 2024. Dense city centres support less evolutionary unique bird communities than sparser urban areas. iScience: 108945. Doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.108945.

ABOU-ZEID F., BENEDETTI Y., SIRETCKAIA A., MORELLI F. 2024. Urban noise slows down the antipredator reaction of Eurasian Magpies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1345971.


ARSLAN D., AKDAĞ B., YAŞAR Ç., OLIVIER A., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F., ÇIÇEK K. 2024. An extensive database on the traits and occurrences of amphibian species in Turkey. Scientific Data 11: 292. Doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03101-w.

SHUAI L.-Y., MORELLI F., MIKULA P., BENEDETTI Y., WESTON M. A., NCUBE E., TARAKINI T., DÍAZ M., MARKÓ G., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., CAO Y.-Y. 2024. A meta-analysis of the relationship between flock size and flight initiation distance in birds. Animal Behaviour 210: 1-9.


HUA F., WANG W., NAKAGAWA S., LIU S., MIAO X., YU L., DU Z., ABRAHAMCZYK S., ARIAS-SOSA L. A., BUDA K., BUDKA M., CARRIÈRE S. M., CHANDLER R. B., [...], MORELLI F., [...], ELSEN P. R. 2024. Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02280-w.

MIKULA P., ASKEYEV O. V., ASKEYEV A.O., ASKEYEV I. V., MORELLI F., MENZEL A., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2024. Climate change is associated with asynchrony in arrival between two sympatric cuckoos and both host arrival and prey emergence. Royal Society Open Science 11: 231691. Doi:10.1098/rsos.231691.

GRZYWACZEWSKI G., MORELLI F., SKÓRKA P. 2024. Little Owl aggression and territory in urban and rural landscapes. Animals 14: 267. Doi:10.3390/ ani14020267.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., STANFORD J., JERZAK L., TRYJANOWSKI P., PERNA P., SANTOLINI R. 2023. Which bird traits most affect the goodness-of-fit of species distribution models? Ecological Indicators 158: 111317. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111317.

IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., IZQUIERDO L., MOUROCQ E., BENEDETTI Y., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., JOKIMÄKI J., MORELLI F., RUBIO E., PÉREZ-CONTRERAS T., SPRAU P., SUHONEN J., TRYJANOWSKI P., DÍAZ M. 2023. Urban landscape organization is associated with species-specific traits in European birds. Science of the Total Environment: 167937. Doi:10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2023.167937.

KATAYAMA N., FUJITA T., UETA M., MORELLI F., AMANO T. 2023. Depopulation and warming climates explain bird population trends in Japan. Conservation Biology. Doi:10.1111/cobi.14175.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., SZKUDLAREK M., ABOU ZEID F., DELGADO J. D., KACZMARSKI M. 2023. Potential hotspots of amphibian roadkill risk in Spain. Journal of Environmental Management 342: 118346. Doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118346.

MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P., IBÁÑEZ ÁLAMO J.D., DÍAZ M., SUHONEN J., MØLLER A.P., PROSEK J., MORAVEC D., BUSSIÈRE R., MÄGI M., KOMINOS T., GALANAKI A., BUKAS N., MARKO G., PRUSCINI F., REIF J., BENEDETTI Y. 2023. Effects of light and noise pollution on avian communities of European cities are correlated with the species’ diet. Scientific Reports 13: 4361. Doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31337-w.

MORELLI F., LEVEAU L. M., MIKULA P., MACGREGOR-FORS I., [...], BENEDETTI Y. 2023. Are birds more afraid in urban parks or cemeteries? A Latin American study contrasts with results from Europe. Science of the Total Environment 861: 160534. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160534.

REIF J., KOLEČEK J., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., 2023. Population trends of ground-nesting birds indicate increasing environmental impacts from Eastern to Western Europe: different patterns for open-habitat and woodland species. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11: 1156360.

BENEDETTI Y., CALLAGHAN C. T., IBÁÑEZ-ALAMO J. D., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., SUHONEN J., DÍAZ M., TRYJANOWSKI P., BUSSIÈRE R., MÄGI M., KOMINOS T., GALANAKI A., BUKAS N., ULBRICHOVÁ I., ABOU-ZEID F., MARKÓ G., PRUSCINI F., JERZAK L., CIEBIERA O., MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F. 2023. EVI and NDVI as proxies for multifaceted avian diversity in urban areas. Ecological Applications: e2808. Doi:10.1002/eap.2808.

ABOU ZEID F., MORELLI F., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J.D., DÍAZ M., REIF J., JOKIMÄKI J., SUHONEN J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., MARKÓ G., BUSSIÈRE R., MÄGI M., TRYJANOWSKI P., KOMINOS T., GALANAKI A., BUKAS N., PRUSCINI F., JERZAK L., CIEBIERA O., BENEDETTI Y. 2023. Spatial overlap and habitat selection of corvid species in European cities. Animals 13, 1192.


BOCELLI M. L., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., LEVEAU L. M. 2023. Dinámica estacional de la comunidad de aves en parques urbanos y cementerios de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ecologia Austral 33, 469-478.

REIF J., VERMOUZEK Z., VOŘÍŠEK P., ROMPORTL D., RIVAS-SALVADOR J., MORELLI F. 2023. Habitat-specific diversity in Central European birds. Bird Study 69: 72-82.

CALLAGHAN C. T., PALACIO F., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F., BOWLER D. 2022. Large-scale spatial variability in urban tolerance of birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 92(2): 403-416.

LEVEAU L.M., BOCELLI M.L., QUESADA-ACUÑA S.G., GONZÁLEZ-LAGOS C., [...], MORELLI F. 2022. Bird diversity-environment relationships in urban parks and cemeteries of the Neotropics during breeding and non-breeding seasons. PeerJ 10: e14496. Doi:10.7717/peerj.14496.

BOCELLI M. L., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., LEVEAU L. 2022. Estrategias de escape de aves en ambientes urbanos. Hornero 37(2): 75-85. Doi:10.1080/00063657.2022.2156979.

MORELLI F., MIKULA P., BLUMSTEIN D. T., DÍAZ M., MARKÓ G., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., FLOIGL K., ABOU ZEID F., SIRETCKAIA A., BENEDETTI Y. 2022. Flight initiation distance and refuge in urban birds. Science of the Total Environment 842: 156939.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., BLUMSTEIN D. T. 2022. Resident birds are more behaviourally plastic than migrants. Scientific Reports 12: 5743. Doi:10.1038/s41598-022-09834-1.

FLOIGL K., BENEDETTI Y., REIF J., VORISEK P., MORELLI F. 2022. Assessing protected area network effectiveness through the temporal change in avian communities’ composition. Journal for Nature Conservation 68: 126222. Doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2022.126222.

SUHONEN J., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., RUBIO E., PÉREZ-CONTRERAS T., SPRAU P., TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A.P., DÍAZ M., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D. 2022. Occupancy-frequency distribution of birds in land-sharing and -sparing urban landscapes in Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning 226: 104463. Doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104463.

REIF J., VERMOUZEK Z., VOŘÍŠEK P., ROMPORTL D., MORELLI F. 2022. Birds’ ecological characteristics differ among habitats: an analysis based on national citizen science data. Community Ecology. Doi:10.1007/s42974-022-00089-4

FLOIGL K., BENEDETTI Y., REIF J., MORELLI F. 2022. Spatial distribution and habitat overlap of five Columbidae species in the Czech Republic. Animals 12: 743. Doi:10.3390/ani12060743.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., FLOIGL K., IBÁÑEZ-ALAMO J. D. 2021. How are Natura 2000 protected areas covering different components of avian diversity in Spain? Ecological Indicators 133: 108452. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108452.

MORELLI F., BRILIK V., BENEDETTI Y., BUSSIÈRE R., MOUDRA L., REIF J., SVITOK M. 2021. Detection rate of bird species and what they depend on: Tips for field surveys. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 671492. Doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.671492.

MORELLI, F., REIF, J., DIAZ, M., TRYJANOWSKI P., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO, J.D., SUHONEN, J., JOKIMÄKI, J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIM, M., MØLLER, A.P., BUSSIÈRE, R., MÄGI, M., KOMINOS, T., GALANAKI, A., BUKAS, N., MARKO, G., PRUSCINI, F., JERZAK, L., CIEBIERA, O., BENEDETTI, Y. 2021. Top ten birds indicators of high environmental quality in European cities. Ecological Indicators 133: 108397. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108397.

BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI, F., CALLAGHAN C. T., FULLER R.A. 2021. Distribution and protection of avian specialization in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31(1): 10-24. Doi:10.1111/geb.13405.

YOSEF R., KUMBHOJKAR S., SHARMA S., MORELLI F. 2021. Electric vehicles minimize disturbance to mammals. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67: 74. Doi:10.1007/s10344-021-01516-z.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., IBÁÑEZ-ALAMO J. D., TRYJANOWSKI P., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., SUHONEN J., DÍAZ M., MØLLER A. P. MORAVEC D., PROSEK J., BUSSIÈRE R., MÄGI M., KOMINOS T., GALANAKI A., BUKAS N., MARKÓ G., PRUSCINI F., TONELLI M., JERZAK L., CIEBIERA O., REIF J. 2021. Effects of urbanization on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic avian diversity in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 795: 148874. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148874.

MIKULA P., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., MARKÓ G., MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P., SZAKONY S., YOSEF R., ALBRECHT T., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2021. Face mask-wear did not affect large-scale patterns in escape and alertness of birds during the COVID-19 pandemic. Science of the Total Environment 793: 148672. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148672.

DÍAZ M., GRIM T., MARKÓ G., MORELLI F., IBÁÑEZ-ALAMO J. D., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M.-L., TÄTTE K., TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A. P. 2021. Effects of climate variation on bird escape distances modulate community responses to global change. Scientific Reports 11: 12826. Doi:10.1038/s41598-021-92273-1.

CIEBIERA O., CZECHOWSKI P., MORELLI F., PIEKARSKI R., BOCHEŃSKI M., CHACHULSKA-SERWETA J., JERZAK L. 2021. Selection of urbanized areas by Magpie Pica pica in a medium size city in Poland. Animals 11: 1738. Doi:10.3390/ani11061738.

BENEDETTI Y., KAPSALIS E., MORELLI, F., KATI V. 2021. Sacred oak woods increase bird diversity and specialization: Links with the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Journal of Environmental Management 294: 112982. Doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112982.

MORELLI F., LAURSEN K., SVITOK M., BENEDETTI Y., MØLLER A. P. 2021. Eiders, nutrients and eagles: Bottom-up and top-down population dynamics in a marine bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(8): 1844-1853. Doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13498.

TRYJANOWSKI P., BEIM M., KUBICKA A. M., MORELLI F., SPARKS T. H., SKLENICKA P. 2021. On the origin of species on road warning signs - A global perspective. Global Ecology and Conservation 27: e01600. Doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01600.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., HANSON J. O., FULLER R. A. 2021. Global distribution and conservation of avian diet specialization. Conservation Letters 14(4): e12795. Doi:10.1111/conl.12795.

CHOWDHURY S., SHAHRIAR S. A., BOHM M., JAIN A., AICH U., ZALUCKI M. P., HESSELBERG T., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., PERSSON A. S., ROY D. K., RAHMAN S., AHMED S., FULLER R. A. 2021. Urban green spaces in Dhaka, Bangladesh, harbour nearly half the country’s butterfly diversity. Journal of Urban Ecology 7: 1-11.

TONELLI M., LOBO J. M., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F., VERDÚ J. R. 2021. The role that nature conservation can play to mitigate the spread of future infectious diseases. European Journal of Ecology 7(1): 12-25.

CALLAGHAN C. T., CORNWELL, W. K., POORE A. G. B., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2021. Urban tolerance of birds changes throughout the full annual cycle. Journal of Biogeography. Doi:10.1111/jbi.14093.

CALLAGHAN C. T., SAYOL F., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F., SOL D. 2021. Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data. Ecological Indicators 120: 106905. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106905.

KAMENIAR, O., BALÁŽ, M., SVITOK, M., REIF, J., MIKOLÁŠ, M., PETTIT, J.L., KEETON, W.S., PETTIT, J.M., VOSTAREK, O., LANGBEHN, T., TROTSIUK, V., MORELLI, F., FRANKOVIČ, M., KOZÁK, D., JANDA, P., ČADA, V., FERENČÍK, M., MÁLEK, J., BEGOVIČ, K., SYNEK, M., LÁBUSOVÁ, J., SVOBODOVÁ, K., SVOBODA, M. 2021. Historical natural disturbances shape spruce primary forest structure and indirectly influence bird assemblage composition. Forest Ecology and Management 481: 118647. Doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118647.

ZBYRYT A., MIKULA P., CIACH M., MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2021. A large-scale survey on bird plumage colour aberrations reveals a collection bias in Internet-mined photographs. Ibis 163: 566-578. Doi:10.1111/ibi.12872.

MORELLI F., RODRÍGUEZ R. A., BENEDETTI Y., DELGADO J. D. 2020. Avian roadkills occur regardless of bird evolutionary uniqueness across Europe. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 87: 102531.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., DELGADO J. D. 2020. A forecasting map of avian roadkill-risk in Europe: A tool to identify potential hotspots. Biological Conservation 249: 106509.

CALLAGHAN C. T., BENEDETTI Y., WILSHIRE J. H., MORELLI F. 2020. Avian trait specialization is negatively associated with urban tolerance. Oikos 129(10): 1541-1551. Doi:10.1111/oik.07356.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., JERZAK L., KUBEČKA J., DELGADO J. D. 2020. Combining the potential resilience of avian communities with climate change scenarios to identify areas of conservation concern. Ecological Indicators 116: 106509.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MØLLER A. P. 2020. Diet specialization and brood parasitism in cuckoo species. Ecology and Evolution 10(11): 5097-5105. Doi:10.1002/ece3.6263.

ZBYRYT A., DWLEWSKI Ł., MORELLI F., SPARKS T. H., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2020. Behavioural responses of adult and young White Storks Ciconia ciconia in nests to an unmanned aerial vehicle. Acta Ornithologica 55(2): 243-251.

WIECZOREK M., REKTOR R., NAJBAR B., MORELLI F. 2020. Sand lizards in the city: is tick parasitism associated with home range area? Amphibia-Reptilia 41(4): 479-488. Doi:10.1163/15685381-bja10018.

TONELLI M., VERDÚ J. R., MORELLI F., ZUNINO M. 2020. Dung beetles: functional identity, not functional diversity, accounts for ecological process disruption caused by the use of veterinary medical products. Journal of Insect Conservation 24: 643-654. Doi:10.1007/s10841-020-00240-4.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., CALLAGHAN C. T. 2020. Ecological specialization and population trends in European breeding birds. Global Ecology and Conservation 22: e00996. Doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00996.

MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A. P., KATTI M., REIF J. 2020. Editorial: Partitioning the Effects of Urbanization on Biodiversity: Beyond Wildlife Behavioural Responses to a Multilevel Assessment of Community Changes in Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 23. Doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00023.

KACZMARSKI M., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2020. Amphibian diversity in Polish cities: Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness. Basic and Applied Ecology 44: 55-64. Doi:10.1016/j.baae.2020.02.006.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., TRYJANOWSKI P., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., PEREZ-CONTRERAS T., SPRAU P., SUHONEN J., YOSEF R., DÍAZ M., MØLLER A. P. 2019. Insurance for the future? Potential avian community resilience in cities across Europe. Climatic Change 159: 195-214. Doi:10.1007/s10584-019-02583-7.

IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., RUBIO E., JOKIMÄKI J., PEREZ-CONTRERAS T., SPRAU P., SUHONEN J., TRYJANOWSKI P., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., MØLLER A. P., DÍAZ M. 2019. Biodiversity within the city: Effects of land sharing and land sparing urban development on avian diversity. Science of the Total Environment 707: 135477. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135477.

JOKIMÄKI J., SUHONEN J., BENEDETTI Y., DÍAZ M., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., MORELLI F., PEREZ-CONTRERAS T., RUBIO E., SPRAU P., TRYJANOWSKI P., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D. 2019. Land-sharing vs. land-sparing urban development modulate predator-prey interactions in Europe. Ecological Applications 30(3): e02049. Doi:10.1002/eap.2049.

BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F., MUNAFO M., ASSENNATO F., STROLLO A., SANTOLINI R. 2019. Spatial associations among avian diversity, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services in Italy. Ecological Indicators 108: 105742. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105742.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MØLLER A. P., FULLER R. A. 2019. Measuring avian specialization. Ecology and Evolution 9(14): 8378-8386. Doi:10.1002/ece3.5419.

MORELLI F., PYTHON A., PEZZATI G. B., MORETTI M. 2019. Bird response to woody pastoral management of ancient chestnut orchards: A Case study from the southern Alps. Forest Ecology and Management 453: 117560. Doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117560

KUMBHOJKAR S., YOSEF R., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2019. Human-Leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) Co-Existence in Jhalana Forest Reserve, India. Sustainability 11(14): 3912.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., DÍAZ M., GRIM T., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., JOKIMÄKI J., KAISANLAHTI-JOKIMÄKI M. L., TÄTTE K., MARKÓ G., JIANG Y., TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A. P. 2019. Contagious fear: escape behaviour increases with flock size in European gregarious birds. Ecology and Evolution 9(10): 6096-6104. Doi:10.1002/ece3.5193.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MORAVEC D., JERZAK L., TRYJANOWSKI P., LIANG W., MØLLER A. P. 2019. Global congruence between cuckoo species richness and biodiversity hotspots. Biological Conservation 232: 28-34.

MØLLER A. P. XIA C., ZHOU B., CHE X., CHU X., FENG C., LAURSEN K., MORELLI F., LI W., LIU J., QUAN Q., ZHANG M., ZHANG Q., ZHANG QIANGWEN, MA L., WANG H., ZOU F., LIANG W. 2019. Comparative urbanisation of birds in China and Europe based on birds associated with trees. Current Zoology: zoz007. Doi:10.1093/cz/zoz007.

MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P., BENEDETTI Y., LIANG W., MØLLER A. P. 2019. The Holy Grail is just a myth! Response to Haest 2019. Ecological Indicators 101: 720-724.

YOSEF R., ABERGIL Y., MORELLI F. 2019. Ecotourism affects breeding in Sergeant Major Damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis). Journal of Environmental Management 237: 1-4.

SAMSON R., MORETTI M., AMORIM J. H., BRANQUINHO C., FARES S., MORELLI F., NIINEMETS Ü., PAOLETTI E., PINHO P., SGRIGNA G., STOJANOVSKI V., TIWARY A., SICARD P., CALFAPIETRA C. 2019. Towards an integrative approach to evaluate the environmental ecosystem services provided by urban forests. Journal of Forestry Research 30: 1981-1996. Doi:10.1007/s11676-019-00916-x.

MORELLI F., KWIECIŃSKI Z., INDYKIEWICZ P., JANKOWIAK Ł., SZYMAŃSKI P., ŠÍMOVÁ P., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2019. Congruence between breeding and wintering biodiversity hotspots: A case study in farmlands of Western Poland. European Journal of Ecology 4(2): 75-83.

MORELLI F., MIKULA P., BENEDETTI Y., BUSSIÈRE R., JERZAK L., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2018. Cemeteries support avian diversity likewise urban parks in European cities: Assessing taxonomic, evolutionary and functional diversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 36: 90-99. Doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2018.10.011.

DELGADO J. D., DURÁN HUMIA J., RODRÍGUEZ PEREIRAS A., ROSAL A., PALENZUELA M. DEL V., MORELLI F., ARROYO HERNÁNDEZ N. L., RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ J. 2018. The spatial distribution of animal casualties within a road corridor: Implications for roadkill monitoring in the southern Iberian rangelands. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 67: 119-130.

PANDE S., YOSEF R., MORELLI F., PAWAR R., MONE R. 2018. Diet and habitat affinities in six raptor species in India. Avian Research 9: 36.

BENEDETTI Y., SLEZAK K., MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2018. Number of syllables in cuckoo Cuculus canorus calls: A test using a citizen science project. Scientific Reports 8: 12872.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MOUSSEAU T. A., MØLLER A. P. 2018. Ionizing radiation and taxonomic, functional and evolutionary diversity of bird communities. Journal of Environmental Management 220: 183-190.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., KWIECIŃSKI Z., INDYKIEWICZ P., MØLLER A. P. 2018. Birds respond similarly to taxidermic models and live cuckoos Cuculus canorus. Journal of Ethology 36(3): 243-249.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., INDYKIEWICZ P., ZDUNIAK P., MYCZKO Ł. 2018. Food preferences by birds using bird-feeders in winter: a large scale experiment. Avian Research 9: 16.

DELGADO J. D., MORELLI F., ARROYO N. L., DURÁN HUMIA J., RODRÍGUEZ PEREIRAS A., ROSAL RAYA A., PALENZUELA M. DEL V., RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ J. 2018. Is vertebrate mortality correlated to potential permeability by underpasses along low-traffic roads? Journal of Environmental Management 221: 53-62.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., OSIEJUK T. S., MØLLER A. P. 2018. Functional significance of cuckoo Cuculus canorus calls: responses of conspecifics, hosts and non-hosts. PeerJ 6: e5302.

MORELLI F., MIKULA P., BENEDETTI Y., BUSSIÈRE R., JERZAK L., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2018. Escape behaviour of birds in urban parks and cemeteries across Europe: evidence of behavioural adaptation to human activity. Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 803-810.

MORELLI F. 2018. High nature value farmland increases taxonomic diversity, functional richness and evolutionary uniqueness of bird communities. Ecological Indicators 90: 540-546.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., ŠÍMOVÁ P. 2018. Landscape metrics as indicators of avian diversity and community measures. Ecological Indicators 90: 132-141.

MUŠKA M., TUŠER M., FROUZOVÁ J., MRKVIČKA T., RICHARD D., SEĎA J., MORELLI F., KUBEČKA J. 2018. Real-time distribution of pelagic fish: combining hydroacoustics, GIS and spatial modelling at a fine spatial scale. Scientific Reports 8: 5381. Doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23762-z.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MØLLER A. P., LIANG W., CARRASCAL L.M. 2018. Cuckoos host range is associated positively with distribution range and negatively with evolutionary uniqueness. Journal of Animal Ecology 87(3): 765-773. Doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12797.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., PERNA. P., SANTOLINI R. 2018. Associations among taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness vary among environments. Ecological Indicators 88: 08-16.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F. 2018. Effect of habitat and time of day on flock size of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in Cuba. ZooKeys 726: 79-86.

MORELLI F. 2017. Neglected effects of transport corridors: Attractiveness to wildlife and role in conservation planning. Animal Conservation 20: 401-402. Doi: 10.1111/acv.12372.

MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P. 2017. Pattern of evolutionarily distinct species among four classes of animals and their conservation status: A comparison using evolutionary distinctiveness scores. Biodiversity and Conservation 27(2): 381-394. Doi:10.1007/s10531-017-1441-6.

MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., MOUSSEAU T. A., SU T., ZHOU B., TRYJANOWSKI P., LIANG W. 2017. Multiple species of cuckoos are superior predictors of bird species richness in Asia. Ecosphere 8(11): e02003.

BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2017. Spatial mismatch analysis among hotspots of alien plant species, road and railway networks in Germany and Austria. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183691.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., MIKULA P., KRIŠTÍN A., INDYKIEWICZ P., GRZYWACZEWSKI G., KRONENBERG J., JERZAK L. 2017. Bird diversity in urban green space: a large-scale analysis of differences between parks and cemeteries in Central Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 27: 264-271. Doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2017.08.014.

MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P., NELSON E., BENEDETTI Y., LIANG W., ŠÍMOVÁ P., MORETTI M., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2017. The common cuckoo is an effective indicator of high bird species richness in Asia and Europe. Scientific Reports 7: 4376. Doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04794-3.

MORELLI F., MOUSSEAU T. A., MØLLER A. P. 2017. Cuckoos vs. top predators as prime bioindicators of biodiversity in disturbed environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 177: 158-164.

DYLEWSKI L., MIKULA P., TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., REUVEN Y. 2017. Social media and scientific research are complementary – YouTube and shrikes as a case study. The Science of Nature 104: 48. Doi:10.1007/s00114-017-1470-8.

MORELLI F., JIGUET F., PRINCÉ K., SABATIER R., DROSS C., TRYJANOWSKI P., TICHIT M. 2017. Spatial covariance between ecosystem services and biodiversity pattern at a national scale (France). Ecological Indicators 82: 574-586. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.04.036.

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., SU T., ZHOU B., MORAVEC D., ŠÍMOVÁ P., LIANG W. 2017. Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary uniqueness in bird communities of Beijing’s urban parks: effects of land use and vegetation structure. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 23: 84-92. Doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2017.03.009

KWIECIŃSKI Z., MORELLI F., ANTCZAK M., HROMADA M., SZYMAŃSKI P., TOBOLKA M., JANKOWIAK Ł., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2017. Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland. European Journal of Ecology 2(2): 9-18. Doi:10.1515/eje-2016-0012

IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., RUBIO E., BENEDETTI Y., MORELLI F. 2016. Global loss of avian evolutionary uniqueness in urban areas. Global Change Biology 23(8): 2990-2998. Doi:10.1111/gcb.13567

MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P., BENEDETTI Y. 2016. Differences between niches of anthropocentric and biocentric conservationists: Wearing old clothes to look modern? Journal for Nature Conservation 34: 101-106. Doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2016.09.005

MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P., NELSON E., BENEDETTI Y., TICHIT M., ŠÍMOVÁ P., JERZAK L., MORETTI M., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2016. Cuckoo as indicator of high functional diversity of bird communities: A new paradigm for biodiversity surrogacy. Ecological Indicators 72: 565-573. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.08.059

MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2016. The dark side of the "redundancy hypothesis" and ecosystem assessment. Ecological Complexity 28: 222-229. Doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.07.005

MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2016. Cuckoo folklore and human well-being: Cuckoo calls predict how long farmers live. Ecological Indicators 72: 766-768. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.09.006

MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y., IBÁÑEZ-ÁLAMO J. D., JOKIMÄKI J., MÄND R., TRYJANOWSKI P. MØLLER A. P. 2016. Evidence of evolutionary homogenization of bird communities in urban environments across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25(11):  1284-1293. Doi:10.1111/geb.12486

TRYJANOWSKI P., MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., BIADUŃ W., BRAUZE T., CIACH M., CZECHOWSKI P., CZYŻ S., DULISZ B. 2016. Urbanization affects neophilia and risk-taking at bird-feeders. Scientific Reports 6, 28575.

PRUSCINI F., MORELLI F., PERNA P., MAZZEO R., CAVITOLO P., BERTELLOTTI M., CATORCI A., SANTOLINI R. 2016. Roadside raptor surveys in Valdes Peninsula (Patagonia, Argentina). Hornero: 31(1):7-11.

GRZYWACZEWSKI G., BOCHNIAK A., WIĄCEK J., ŁAPIŃSKI P., MORELLI F. 2016. Water on the fen mire as a problem in the protection of globally threatened species: Long-term changes in numbers of Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Polish Journal of Ecology 26(2): 613-618. Doi:10.15244/pjoes/65268

MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., MOUSSEAU T. A., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2016. The number of syllables in Chernobyl cuckoo calls reliably indicate habitat, soil and radiation levels. Ecological Indicators 66: 592-597. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.02.037

MIKULA P., MORELLI F., LUČAN R.K., JONES D.N., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2016. Bats as prey of diurnal birds: a global perspective. Mammal Review 46: 160–174. Doi:10.1111/mam.12060

MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P. 2015. Concerns about the use of ecosystem services as a tool for nature conservation: From misleading concepts to providing a “price” for nature, but not a “value.” European Journal of Ecology 1: 68-70. Doi:10.1515/eje-2015-0009

TRYJANOWSKI P., HROMADA M., MORELLI F., NELSON E., PROKOP P., REINO L., RÓZSA L., Yosef R. 2015. Ecology in Europe: is there an “empty” niche for the new journal among competitors, predators? European Journal of Ecology 1: 1-4.

GOŁAWSKI A., KASPRZYKOWSKI Z., LEDWOŃ M., MRÓZ E., MORELLI F. 2015. Brood sex ratio in expansive and non-expansive tern species in east-central Poland. Bird Study 63(1): 31-36. Doi:10.1080/00063657.2015.1122738

MORELLI F., JERZAK L., PRUSCINI F., SANTOLINI R., BENEDETTI Y., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2015. Testing bird response to roads on a rural environment: A case study from Central Italy. Acta Oecologica 69: 146-152.

MORELLI F., JIGUET F., REIF J., PLEXIDA S., SUZZI VALLI A., INDYKIEWICZ P., ŠÍMOVÁ P., TICHIT M., MORETTI M., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2015. Cuckoo and biodiversity: testing the correlation between species occurrence and bird species richness in Europe. Biological Conservation 190: 123-132. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.06.003.

MORELLI F., BUSSIÈRE R., GOŁAWSKI A., TRYJANOWSKI P., YOSEF R. 2015. Saving the best for last: Differential usage of impaled prey by red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) during the breeding season. Behavioural Processes 119: 6-13. Doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2015.07.006.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., SKÓRKA P., GOŁAWSKI A., INDYKIEWICZ P., MØLLER A. P., MITRUS C., WYSOCKI D., ZDUNIAK, P. 2015. Who started first? Bird species visiting novel birdfeeders. Scientific Reports 5: 11858. Doi: 10.1038/srep11858.

MORELLI F. 2015. Indicator species for avian biodiversity hotspots: combination of specialists and generalists is necessary in less natural environments. Journal for Nature Conservation 27: 54–62. Doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2015.06.006.

TRYJANOWSKI P. & MORELLI F. 2015. Presence of Cuckoo reliably indicates high bird diversity: A case study in a farmland area. Ecological Indicators 55: 52-58. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.03.012.

MORELLI F. & TRYJANOWSKI P. 2015. No species is an island: testing the effects of biotic interactions on models of avian niche occupation. Ecology and Evolution 5: 759-768. Doi:10.1002/ece3.1387.

MORELLI F., KUBICKA A., TRYJANOWSKI P., NELSON E. 2015. The vulture in the sky and the hominin on the land: three million years of human-vulture interaction. Anthrozoos 28(3): 449-468.

MORELLI F., MRÓZ E., PRUSCINI F., SANTOLINI R., GOŁAWSKI A., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2015. Habitat structure, breeding stage and sex affects hunting success of breeding Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Ecology Ethology and Evolution 28(2): 136-147.

MORELLI F., BEIM M., JERZAK L., JONES D., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2014. Can roads, railways and related structures have positive effects on birds? – a review. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 30: 21-31.

MORELLI F., JERZAK L., TRYJANOWSKI P. 2014. Birds as useful indicators of high nature value (HNV) farmland in central Italy. Ecological Indicators 38: 236-242.

MORELLI F. & TRYJANOWSKI P. 2014. Associations between species can influence the goodness of fit of species distribution models: the case of two passerine bird. Ecological Complexity 20: 208-212. Doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2014.01.002.

MORELLI F., PRUSCINI F., SANTOLINI R. 2014. Habitat preferences and spatial overlap between three species of bunting (Emberiza hortulana, Emberiza cirlus, Miliaria calandra) in farmlands of Central Italy. Polish Journal of Ecology 62(2): 361-371.

PRUSCINI F., MORELLI F., SISTI D., PERNA P., CATORCI A., BERTELLOTTI M., ROCCHI M. B. L., SANTOLINI R. 2014. Breeding passerines communities in the Valdes peninsula (Patagonia, Argentina). Ornitologia Neotropical 25: 13-23.

MORELLI F. 2013. Relative importance of marginal vegetation (shrubs, hedgerows, isolated trees) surrogate of HNV farmland for bird species distribution in Central Italy. Ecological Engineering 57: 261-266.

MORELLI F., PRUSCINI F., SANTOLINI R., PERNA P., BENEDETTI Y., SISTI D. 2013. Landscape heterogeneity metrics as indicators of bird diversity: determining the optimal spatial scales in different landscapes. Ecological Indicators 34: 372-379.

MORELLI F. 2013. Quantifying effects of spatial heterogeneity of farmlands on bird species richness by means of similarity index pairwise. International Journal of Biodiversity, vol. 2013. Doi:10.1155/2013/914837.

MORELLI F. & GIRARDELLO M. 2013. Buntings (Emberizidae) as indicators of HNV of farmlands: a case of study in central Italy. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 26(4): 405-412. Doi:10.1080/03949370.2013.852140.

MORELLI F., SALTARELLI M., PRUSCINI F., BENEDETTI Y. 2013. First description of Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio food caching in Central Italy: prey’s type and spatial position into the larders. Avocetta 37: 27-34.

PRUSCINI F., MORELLI F., PERNA P., FELICETTI N., SANTOLINI R. 2013. The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in the Marche region: species distribution and habitat preferences. Avocetta 37: 15-20.

MORELLI F. 2013. Are the nesting probabilities of the Red-backed shrike related to proximity to roads? Nature Conservation 5: 1-11.

MORELLI F. 2012. Correlations between landscape features and crop type and the occurrence of the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in farmlands of Central Italy. Ornis fennica 89: 264-272.

MORELLI F., PRUSCINI F., MORGANTI N., URBINATI C, ASPREA S., CASALI S., FOSCA A., MAGALOTTI P., MENCARELLI M., MORICI F. 2012. Montagu’s harrier C. pygargus in the northern Marche region of central Italy: first evidence of a possible population increase. Avocetta 36: 59-64.

MORELLI F., PRUSCINI F., SALTARELLI M. 2012. Red-backed Shrike larders in central Italy. British Birds 105(9): 543-544.

MORELLI F., F. PRUSCINI, FURLANI M. 2012. Declining in Europe but increasing in Italy? Preliminary indications of a possible increase of Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in central Italy. Alula 19(1-2): 87-96.

MORELLI F. 2012. Plasticity of habitat selec­tion by Red-backed shrikes Lanius collurio breeding in different landscapes. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(1): 51-56.

MORELLI F., SANTOLINI R., SISTI D. 2012. Breeding habitat of Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio on farmland hilly areas of Central Italy: is functional heterogeneity an important key? Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24: 127-139.

GIRARDELLO M. & MORELLI F. 2012. Modelling the environmental niche of a declining farmland bird species. Italian Journal of Zoology 79(3): 434-440.

MORELLI F. 2011. Importance of road proximity for the nest site selection of the Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in an agricultural environment in Central Italy. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 11: 21-29.

MORELLI F. 2011. Altitudinal distribution of breeding sites of Red-backed shrikes Lanius collurio in agricultural environments of Pesaro-Urbino province, Central Italy. Picus 70 (1): 91-95. (in Italian)

MORELLI F., PANDOLFI M. 2011. Breeding habitat and nesting site of the Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in farmland of the Marche region, Italy. Avocetta 35: 43-49.

MORELLI F., GIULIANI A., BENEDETTI Y. 2009. First winter observation of Pallid harrier Circus macrourus in the Marche region, Italy. Avocetta 33(1): 112-113.

BACCETTI N. & MORELLI F. 2009. Which ring colour looks best: results of the Antequera ‘ophtalmic’ tests. Flamingo, Bulletin of the IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Flamingo Group, Special Publication 1. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, UK.

ALBANESE G., ARVEDA G., BACCETTI N., DALL’ANTONIA P., MORELLI F. 2009. “The Flamingo Project in mainland Italy: an update of the situation at the end of 2007”. Pp 52-57. In: Béchet, A., Rendón-Martos M, Amat JA, Baccetti N and Childress B. (eds.) “Flamingo”, Bulletin of the IUCNSSC/ Wetlands International Flamingo Specialist Group. SP. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, UK.

CASINI L. & MORELLI F. 2008. A Peregrine Falcon in flight retrieves nestling falling from a cliff. Journal of Raptor Research 42(3): 225.

MORELLI F., PANDOLFI M., PESARESI S., BIONDI E. 2007. Use of monitoring data and habitat variables for the construction of distribution patterns and models of bird species in the Marche region, Italy. Fitosociologia 44(2) suppl. 1: 127-132. (in Italian)

PANDOLFI M., BIONDI E., CATORCI A., MORELLI F., ZABAGLIA C. 2007. Model for integration between the habitat request of threatened animal species and vegetation physiognomic structure of the areas, applied to the construction of the Ecological Network on the Marche region. Fitosociologia 44(2) suppl. 1: 119-125. (in Italian)

MORELLI F. 2007. Distribution of endangered bird species in relation to habitat variables in the Marche region. PhD thesis in Biological Science. Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”. (in Italian)

ZENATELLO M., LUGLI A., MORELLI F. 2006. In: Monitoring of the Italian birds with particular reference to the coast and small islands - Phase 1. Results of the census of wintering waterfowl (IWC) 2005 (a cura di), Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica, INFS. (in Italian)

QUINTANA F., MORELLI F., BENEDETTI Y. 2002. Efficient dive in shallow waters: diving behavior and feeding pattern of the Rock Shag, Phalacrocorax magellanicus, at two Patagonian colonies. Ecologia Austral 12(1): 19-28.



PYTHON A., MORELLI F., LARDELLI R., MORETTI M. 2021. Uccelli nidificanti delle selve castanili del Cantone Ticino e Moesano, Svizzera: come reagiscono le comunità al recupero delle selve abbandonate? In Memorie della Società ticinese di scienze naturali e del Museo cantonale di storia naturale, vol. 13, pp. 145–161.

TRYJANOWSKI P., MORELLI F., MØLLER A. P. 2021. Urban birds: Urban avoiders, urban adapters and urban exploiters, in: DOUGLAS I., ANDERSON P. M. L., GOODE D., HOUCK M. C., MADDOX D., NAGENDRA H., TAN P. Y. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology - 2nd Edition. Routledge, pp. 399–411.

MØLLER A. P., MORELLI F., TRYJANOWSKI P., 2017. Cuckoos as Indicators of Biodiversity, in: SOLER M. (Ed.), Avian Brood Parasitism. Fascinating Life Sciences. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, pp. 189–201.

MORELLI F. & TRYJANOWSKI P. (Eds.) 2017. Birds as Useful Indicators of High Nature Value Farmlands - Using Species Distribution Models as a tool for monitoring the health of Agro-ecosystems. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing, pp: 154.

MORELLI F. & SUZZI VALLI A. 2012. Top predators and biodiversity. Oasis 201: 100-101.

MORELLI F. & BACCETTI N. 2011. Le vie “en rose”. La migrazione dei fenicotteri italiani. Oasis 194: 52-61.

MORELLI F. & BENEDETTI Y. 2010. Il codirosso della città ducale di Urbino. Oasis 192.

MORELLI F. & A. GIULIANI 2009. L’Averla piccola: un serial killer da tutelare. Oasis 186: 39-45.

ARVEDA G., BACCETTI N., DALL’ANTONIA P., MORELLI F. 2009. Census and ringing Flamingos. Census of Greater flamingo colony in the Delta of Po Natural Park. Parco Delta del Po Emilia-Romagna.

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